11 de maio de 2010

do you want to know a secret? a really funny one?

How can I even beggin this... Okay, so you remember her! Purple! The other fairy who used to write here for us, and then left... And the one I still talk about some of the times...!
Did you ever imagine that I ABSOLUTELY HATED HER??? ahahahahahah True Shit... :/
Well, not hate/hate, I picked on her...because she was friends with my boyfriend, and she used to say silly stuff about me, like "princesa magalona" GRRRR lol
So I was kinda jealous, because I thought she was being stupid with me (which she was, but she won't admit it eheheh) and she was kinda jealous too...because they were really close, and spent most of their free time together GGGRRRRRRRR LOOOOOL you little bitch ahahahahahah
Okay, so this was about it. I truly wanted her to blow up :o I am telling the truth, so...
I used to check her on hi5 and I started to see that we had so much shit in common...like CRAZY! And then I thought, - How could he not like her? She's just like me!!! but I'm prettier looooooooool
So, I decided to send her a message, saying we were being childish and stuff...and we should be friends, bla, bla, bla...
We got together and had a chat, and taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, we became:
inseparable fairies :)
From that day on, here we are...together when we can, apart when we have to...missing each other, loving each other, hating each other (yeah, I still hate her sometimes, she does a lot of stupid things loool) and doing things that makes our hearts content. Today I miss her...! Because I feel like going somewhere...and talk. And she's the one who goes anywhere with me! No questions asked, whatsoever! We're such massive "sonsas" lol, but hey! who gives a crap shit? We sure don't :p
Se eu podia viver sem a Purple a esvoaçar à minha volta?
Puder, podia.
Mas não era a mesma coisa!!! :)

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