14 de junho de 2010

"I see behind the smile… somehow yoked to the familiar apprehensiveness i find… the playful child having grown into an intricately cautious woman… strong and caring… but jaded and weary from giving too much… too quickly… your eyes silently inquire of my own… can you love without owning?… can i trust without worry?… will you stay by me faithfully through the heavy silence of the night?… will you still wait outside the wall when i seek peace and seclusion from all around me?… and be ready to embrace my weakness and my tears as much as my energy and laughter when i once again emerge?…… and i return to you a kindred smile… understanding from my own pain that this invitation does not come easily… and extend to you the unspoken assurance of what i have to offer… a sincere and abiding friendship… companionship void of bounds… supportive shoulders… and while far from perfect, a heart in which you may always find shelter and warmth in the midst of the storm or in the silence of this moment."

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