30 de junho de 2010

Há dias...

em que tenho a força de
e outros... em que me sinto uma formiguita
pequenina...tão pequenina!!!

29 de junho de 2010

"Não confundas o amor com o delírio da posse, que acarreta os piores sofrimentos. Porque, contrariamente à opinião comum, o amor não faz sofrer. O instinto de propriedade, que é o contrário do amor, esse é que faz sofrer. (...) Eu sei assim reconhecer aquele que ama verdadeiramente: é que ele não pode ser prejudicado. O amor verdadeiro começa lá onde não se espera mais nada em troca."

The way you make me feel is like,

Smelling fresh cut grass or being in the back of a convertable under the stars. Or returning home from a long trip or just driving with no destination in the summer. It’s like the feeling you get when you get an ‘A’ on your report card and your parents tell you how proud they are. Or when you hear your family laugh together or the whooshing of a tunnel when you drive with the windows down. It’s like when you’re outside on a hot summer day and you have a cold glass of water or when you talk to an old friend after a month or two, yet the two of you are still as close as ever.
It’s like the feeling you get when you hear your favorite childhood song on the radio for the first time in years, you turn it up and feel so alive. Or laying in bed watching a snow storm, knowing you don’t have to get up for hours and get just lay in the warmth of your comforters for hours. Its the way your stomache flip flops during your first true kiss, or how your body feels when you take off in an airplane for the first time. Or when you drive around in the front seat of car who belongs to the boy you like, and even though you should feel scared beyond control because he’s driving so fast and stupid, yet you feel so safe and alive. Yeah, that feeling!
The way you make me feel, feels good to me.

28 de junho de 2010

You're not the breath I breathe , just the sweet scent that I enjoy. You're not the sights I see, just the most beautiful of them. You're not the water I drink, just the flavour that makes it taste so good. You're not the ground I walk on, just the partner I sometimes lean on. You're not the blood in my veins, just what makes it burn so sweetly. You're not my life, just the one I want to spend it with. You're not my world, just the best thing in it!
UMA primeira vez para TUDO!!!

26 de junho de 2010

25 de junho de 2010

it is happening allready...!
"The decision to kiss for the first time is the most crucial in any love story. It changes the relationship of two people more strongly than even the final surrender, because this kiss already has within it that surrender."
Emil Ludvig
" The curve of a lover's neck, the touch of a lover's fingertips,
the weight of a lover's hair, the scent, the rustle of silk undone,
your tongue, your lips, the taste:
salt and wet warm breath against one's skin!"

24 de junho de 2010

sweet talking*

it's just the way he says it...different from all others!

I ♥ mushrooms :)

"Men aren't stupid! And you don't need a complicated set of rules to find a good one who loves you. Here's the only rule you need: If a man loves you, he will do anything he can to keep you around... Anything!"
Oh my... I think he does love me =p
he said:
- You fixed my broken heart!
oooohhh there are no words...

23 de junho de 2010

22 de junho de 2010

21 de junho de 2010

1922 - 2010

Suas palavras sábias:
"Não tenhamos pressa, mas não percamos tempo."
"De que adianta falar de motivos, às vezes basta um só, às vezes nem juntando todos."
"Dentro de nós há uma coisa que não tem nome, essa coisa é o que somos."
"Sempre chega a hora em que descobrimos que sabíamos muito mais do que antes julgávamos."
"Mesmo que a rota da minha vida me conduza a uma estrela, nem por isso fui dispensado de percorrer os caminhos do mundo."
"Há ocasiões que é mil vezes preferível fazer de menos que fazer de mais, entrega-se o assunto ao governamento da sensibilidade, ela, melhor que a inteligência racional, saberá proceder segundo o que mais convenha à perfeição dos instantes seguintes."
Obrigada senhor Saramago!

it's SUMMER time :)

Isn't it fun when people around us,
don't remember how to say the proper words in portuguese???
They say: Team or Crew...
and only after a few seconds, they say the word in portuguese...
It's like our brain is set in some other beautiful world :)
Nui was here for a while.
I had a BLAST this weekend.

18 de junho de 2010

coninhaaaaas! =p
You may not be her first, her last or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect - you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together, but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there!
BoB MarLey

17 de junho de 2010


" Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up. If a guy punches you, he likes you. Never try to turn your own day and someday you'll meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending. Every movie we see, every story we're told, implores us to wait for it, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule.
But sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending, we don't learn how to read the signs, how to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don't, the ones who'll stay and the ones who'll leave. Maybe this happy ending doesn't include a wonderful guy, maybe it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over. Bring yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is just moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing through all the unreturned phone calls, the broken hearts, through all the blunder and misread signals, through all the pain and embarassment, you never gave up hope."


eu sei...eu sei... não tem graça nenhuma =/ uma pessoa acorda bem disposta, cheia de energia, e depois chega aqui e lê isto =/ ahahahah mas a mim, faz me rir como se não houvesse amanhã. Porque é a verdade né? mas parece que nós andamos aqui como se nada disso pudesse acontecer... era só um piqueno reminder =p aproveitem beeeeeeemmm, enquanto cá andam =*)

16 de junho de 2010

"I fly in water and swim in air!
My world is nonsense, but
O arrependimento vem em todas as formas e tamanhos. Ás vezes é pequeno, como quando fazemos uma coisa má por uma boa razão. Outras vezes é maior, como quando desiludimos um amigo. Algumas pessoas escapam-se à dor do arrependimento, fazendo a escolha certa. Outros têem pouco tempo para arrependimentos porque estão focados no futuro. Por vezes, temos que lutar, e pôr fim no passado, e enterrar os nossos arrependimentos, prometendo mudar os nossos caminhos. Mas os nossos maiores arrependimentos não são pelas coisas que fizemos...são pelas coisas que não fizemos e pelas coisas que não dissemos...!
Porquê que TODOS os homens têem que verificar o traseiro de TODAS as mulheres que lhes passam ao lado??? É algum tipo de regra? Tipo...se o rabo não prestar, nem vale a pena incomodar-me a piscar-lhe o olho?! =/
A Revolta das Courgettes
food fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight :)

15 de junho de 2010

"Love comes when manipulation stops.
When you think more about the other person,
than about his or her reactions to you.
When you dare to reveal yourself truthfully,
when you dare to be vulnerable."

*.* my new ride... vruuummmm!!!

ele é apelidado de:
sapo cocas
green turtle
mega javali ahahah
é a minha recente paixão...vamos juntos a todo o lado...e quando a gente passa, não há ninguém que não olhe... muahahahahahha é porque devo ter o escape furado LOOOL
E, ainda por cima é GTTTTTTTTTT! YEAH!!!
*trying my best at that*

14 de junho de 2010

"Sometimes when we are generous in small,
barely detectable ways it can change
someone else’s life forever."
Margaret Choo
"I see behind the smile… somehow yoked to the familiar apprehensiveness i find… the playful child having grown into an intricately cautious woman… strong and caring… but jaded and weary from giving too much… too quickly… your eyes silently inquire of my own… can you love without owning?… can i trust without worry?… will you stay by me faithfully through the heavy silence of the night?… will you still wait outside the wall when i seek peace and seclusion from all around me?… and be ready to embrace my weakness and my tears as much as my energy and laughter when i once again emerge?…… and i return to you a kindred smile… understanding from my own pain that this invitation does not come easily… and extend to you the unspoken assurance of what i have to offer… a sincere and abiding friendship… companionship void of bounds… supportive shoulders… and while far from perfect, a heart in which you may always find shelter and warmth in the midst of the storm or in the silence of this moment."

13 de junho de 2010

infelizmente... =/

The Time Of My Life*

While I was away, my life changed a whole lot!
I have experienced many things, never done before...
I met him! Went for long walks on the beach at night. Got cold...got hungry. Went for beautiful drives, where he never let go of my hand... Laughed for hours, non-stop! Went completely crazy. Got into fights... Fell madly in love. Went to motorcross races, rock 'n roll concerts. I surfed and rode bikes really fast, alone and with company! Drove my new car as fast as I could. I flew across the ocean and the city. I met beautiful people. I learned how to relax totally...until my body went numb. Slept with the ocean as a background... I was bitten a lot, by people and animals. My senses were awaken at all times. I had the most beautiful wedding...all white and gold! My husband only, wore black... He's the most handsome and caring man...We danced all night long! I walked miles and miles, like never before. Felt tired, but above all happy. Spent whole days lying in the sun! Made promisses... I was given time and space to settle my mind. I worked really hard, so I wouldn't think about the problems. I was never offered alcohool to get wasted... I sent a million messages...and talked on the phone for a million hours. I felt loved and cared for! I went to the cinema at least, once a day...! I learned a lot about gardening. Went to bed really late and got up really early. I forgot to breathe, sometimes. Got in touch with my inner self..hoping to always keep in touch!
Could this be REAL or just a DREAM?!